Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fish Feeding Tips

Fish Feeding Tips
Food is what fish eat in an aquarium. A sound knowledge of good feeding is the key point for a perfect aquarium. Most of the fish activities are dependent upon the type and quantity of the food with which fish is fed. Until you know all the types of fish food you can't judge which type does your fish kind need? Should there be some variations in the food? These are some critical questions which need to be answered and communicated for having a perfect fish tank right at your home. Let's discuss them one by one.

Why proper diet is essential for fish?

Feeding has always been the most important thing with fish keeping. Feeding a balanced diet is very crucial. And the diet of course should be the one which suits the nature of the fish in your tank. If you feed your fish with the best desired food and in the prescribed quantity, you see that your fish has developed a great immune system. It is no more prone to diseases. It is growing at its best rather and breeding at the peak. It has brighter colors and has increased his beautiful appearance. A basic nature with fish is all its kinds have different diet requirements and nature of food. It becomes the duty of the fish keeper to search for the best eating habits of the fish that he has proposed for his aquarium. When he is done with that he should have to be more consistent and regular then. He should follow the rules of timing and quality also. This all goes into the answer of "why".

What is the best food for my fish?

Two things are worth notice when it comes to choose the food type. The first thing is to know the eating nature of your fish and the second one is to know at what heights the fish finds food. If you are good in these two areas, believe me you are never going to face any problem while choosing food type for any fish made by god. Some fish are herbivores. They only eat plants related food. These types of fish are good in number. Second type of fish is the carnivore fish. It only feeds on meat. It might hunt other fish in the tank or you yourself feed it with meat. Although this type of fish is outnumbered in the oceans and seas but there are few people who propose them for their tanks. The last one is omnivorous fish. This sort of fish feeds on both plants and meat. Majority of fish in sea and the fish kept in tanks fall in this kind. One has be very cautious regarding the type of fish while feeding. Feed the fish as per its requirements and leave the fish to live happy.

You might have observed different fish at various aquariums. For ones amaze different type of fish feed themselves on only some specific depths under water. it means, some fish find their food on the top of the water level, some find it a bit deeper almost in the mid of the total water and some feel good when they are fed on the bottom of the water. One can't help with the nature and has to obey the rules. Thus when you are out for fish feeding, keep the height matters in mind.

What food should the fish be offered?

Just like man, fish, being a living creature, needs good balance diet. His food must contain proper quantities of fats, vitamins, carbohydrates and most importantly minerals.

A good variety of food types is available to choose from, for feeding your fish in the tank. Again it goes with the type of fish himself which determines the type of food. If the fish is herbivore, more fiber food like algae and vegetables will be good. These kinds of fish just love to eat spinach, lettuce, nettles, zucchini, carrots, peas and maize.

Before feeding them with these food types just make sure that they are pre- boiled and are not too hard and are breakable and digestible by the fish. These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Spirulina being an easy assailable vegetable is also recommended by most of the fish hobbyists.

Dry foods

Dry foods are prepared food and are of high quality designed for the provision of a balance diet of the fish and for the supply of extra, urgent proteins as an addition. According to the nature of fish, one can choose dry food for his fish from granules, grains, flakes, pills and wafers. It is helpful for the keeper also because it does not require any preparation expenses and is easy to store. There is almost no risk for fish to get diseased when fed with dry foods.